Life coach clients enjoy same-day PR success!

Our life coach clients Jo Emerson and Ané Auret were both quoted in national publications on Thursday 4 February – two great PR wins in a single day!

Leading confidence coach Jo Emerson was quoted in a piece on Yahoo! Finance UK entitled ‘Five signs your boss is a bully, and what you should do.’

True to form, Jo pushed beyond the obvious HR-type advice and got to the heart of the issue:

Life coach Jo Emerson, meanwhile, suspects abusive bosses are often projecting their own personal fears onto others. “Acknowledge their fear,” she says, while offering this potential response: ‘I understand you are worried that we won’t meet the target, but I can assure you I’m doing my best’.

With a life coach business that covers both personal and professional life, an appearance in Yahoo! Finance is a great credibility builder for Jo.

Meanwhile, new Imp Communications client Ané Auret, a dating coach for single professional women, made her first PR foray into a publication aimed squarely at one of her key demographics: Yours magazine.

Yours caters to women over fifty, and their digital editor wanted a piece on how to start dating again following a divorce. This was a perfect opportunity for Ané. Her suggestions were eagerly accepted and put online a few days later. ‘How to find love again after divorce‘ includes nearly 500 words of helpful advice from Ané containing nearly all of her key messages.

Even better, Ané’s piece in Yours included a link to her website, (and as it is a ‘follow link’ as well, it is hugely valuable in SEO terms).

For a life coach, appearing in the national media means more than simply exposure and name recognition. Coverage in respected well-known media outlets also brings credibility – something no life coach can do without. In an increasingly competitive sector, having a series of media clippings sighting you as an authority in your field is vital. Besides the branding benefits and the obvious SEO gains to be had, it also signals to potential clients that you are someone to be trusted. If Yahoo! UK is willing to trust your advice, couldn’t’ anyone?

Since becoming an Imp Communications’s first life coach client Jo Emerson has been racking up an impressive range of publications who have quoted her expertise. These include Prima, Woman magazine, Weight Watchers magazine, Saga, Women’s Running, Pick Me Up!, and US News & World Report.

As a newcomer to Imp, Ané Auret is just starting out on a similar path. We look forward to sharing more PR successes for Ané in coming months.

If you are a life coach interested in boosting your profile with credibility-building coverage in national and international publications, get in touch!